Social determinants of health

HUB CHWs achieve recertification

Four Community Care HUB Community Health Workers (CHWs) achieved recertification through the Pennsylvania Certification Board. In 2020, CHWs Flor, Christy, Shealeigh, and Justina were trained by the Pathways Community HUB Institute (PCHI) to become certified CHWS by the Pennsylvania Certification Board in 2021. They are part of the inaugural class of the Certified CHW workforce [...]

CPH, GPCFB provide free produce to Moxham residents with Block Party

The Center for Population Health (CPH) and the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (GPCFB) joined forces Tuesday, July 18 to provide free, fresh produce to Moxham residents. "We planned this event as a way to get the community together and give everyone a safe space to gather,” said Nan McNinney, Center for Population Health Local [...]

1889 JCPH to become Independent 501c3 Organization

The 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health, originally established through funding from 1889 Foundation to Thomas Jefferson University, will become an independent 501c3 organization as of July 1, 2023. The Center was established in 2017 as a collaborative research and resource center to benefit the citizens living in Cambria and Somerset counties. Its mission is [...]

County Health Rankings released

Each year, the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute releases its County Health Rankings. The rankings give a closer look at how the health of a county is influenced by habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, exercise, physician access, and other factors called Social Determinants of Health. Cambria County now ranks 64 out of 67 counties [...]

Community Care HUB achieves Level 1 Certification

The Community Care HUB (HUB), an initiative of the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health (CPH), received its Level 1 Certification from the Pathways Community HUB Institute® (PCHI®). “Receiving Certification from the Pathways Community HUB Institute is truly an honor,” said Jeannine McMillan, Executive Director, 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health. “This means that the [...]

Here to help brighten their future: Meet new CHW Tracey

Tell me about yourself! I’ve lived in Johnstown for the last 21 years. I’m from the state of Maryland. I’m married without any little kiddos, but do have grandchildren here in Johnstown. I enjoy cooking. I’m very much a home-body. What drew you to the CHW position in the first place? Do you have any [...]

World Cancer Day acknowledges cancer disparities

World Cancer Day originated February 4, 2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris. 23 years later the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is still working to unite the cancer community and reduce cancer rates globally. A three-year campaign called “Close the Care Gap” has been in full swing [...]

1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health Partners with Highmark Wholecare to improve member health outcomes

Highmark Wholecare, formerly Gateway Health, a leading managed care organization dedicated to caring for the total health of its members, and the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health (1889 JCPH) have partnered to improve diabetes health outcomes and reduce health disparities for Highmark Wholecare members living in Cambria and Somerset Counties. The Community Care HUB, [...]

What is population health?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines “Population Health” as “an opportunity for health care systems, agencies and organizations to work together in order to improve the health outcomes of the communities they serve.” Simply explained, population health is the study of health outcomes found in a group of individuals and can often be [...]

Vaccine inequity still a problem

National Influenza Vaccine Week took place December 5-9 this year and serves as a reminder that it’s not too late to get a flu vaccine. Individuals 6 months and older are eligible for a vaccine. While National Influenza Vaccine Week is a call to action for those who haven’t received the vaccine yet, it is [...]

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