“Be who you needed:” Cait Farber, CHW
Check out this month’s HUB Community Health Worker (CHW) spotlight [...]
Sectors Unite to Form Cambria/Somerset Covid-19 Task Force
In an effort to coordinate Covid-19 vaccination roll-out across Cambria [...]
Jeffery Vaughn: Putting the mission first
This month, we're featuring an interview with Jeffery Vaughn, Executive [...]
Tammy Rhoades: Expanding our Reach
Tammy Rhoades is the CEO at Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy [...]
Lights of Remembrance: A Memorial for Cambria County COVID Victims
In This Together Cambria, 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health, [...]
The Work Begins with You: Michele Moss, CHW
Check out this month’s CHW spotlight with Michele Moss, [...]