Food insecurity is a concerning SDOH

Feeding America defines food insecurity “as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life.” According to the USDA, 38.3 million people, including 12 million children, in the United States lived in food-insecure households in 2020. Poverty is connected to food insecurity and for [...]

Black Maternal Health Week calls attention to disparities

Black Maternal Health Week falls in the second week of April; appropriately, it takes place during National Minority Health Month. While minorities face disparities across all health systems, Black women and mothers face a disproportionate number of concerns before, during, and after pregnancy. The 2021 County Health Rankings reported that 9% of babies born in [...]

Community Care HUB uses Pathways to help participants

Since its inception in 2020, the Community Care HUB has been meeting participants where they are at to improve their health and well-being. The HUB follows the nationally recognized and evidence-based Pathways Community HUB Institute (PCHI) model developed by Drs. Sarah and Mark Redding. Face-to-face visiting between Community Health Workers (CHWs) and participants is a [...]

CHW Financing Survey released

If you are a Pennsylvania Community Health Worker employer, please complete this 5 minute survey related to CHW financing developed by the PA CHW Task Force Billing, Reimbursement and Sustainability Committee. The committee would like as many CHW employers to participate as possible to ensure there is accurate representation of how CHWs are currently funded across PA. [...]

Women’s History Month focuses on healing and hope

Women’s History Month is a time to highlight and celebrate the contributions of women. This year, the designated theme for March 2022 is “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.” According to the National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA), the theme is “both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and [...]

Senator Casey introduces legislation to build up CHW workforce

Strengthening the Community Health Worker (CHW) workforce has come to the forefront of conversations about preventable disease and reducing health care disparity across the nation. CHWs are frontline public health workers who are trusted and integrated members of the communities in which they work. A CHW works as a liaison to connect the people who [...]

Get to know new Community Care HUB CHW Sophie Sprankle

Meet Sophie Sprankle, the newest Community Health Worker at the HUB. She is employed by care coordination agency Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy. Tell us about yourself. My name is Sophie. I am a graduate of Pennsylvania Highlands Community College with a degree in Social Work and a certificate in Substance Abuse & Addiction Technician. In [...]

2022-02-17T15:32:36+00:00February 17th, 2022|Categories: COVID-19, HUB, HUB Community Health Workers, News|

We’re hiring! 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health searching for Referral Coordinator

The 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health is looking for a Referral Coordinator to join the team. You will be responsible for assisting with client enrollment, tracking referral outcomes, making sure the community resource database is accurate, and clerical support in the office. The right candidate will also be instrumental in the Community Care HUB. [...]

2022-02-17T15:30:44+00:00January 25th, 2022|Categories: HUB, News, Population Health|
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