Healthyville Campaign
January 5, 2018 - The Johnstown (Hockyville, USA) Tomahawks launch their Healthyville campaign as they defeat the Brown Bears of Kenai River, Alaska
January 5, 2018 - The Johnstown (Hockyville, USA) Tomahawks launch their Healthyville campaign as they defeat the Brown Bears of Kenai River, Alaska
December 31, 2017 - Tribune Democrat Article on Community Collaborations in 2018
For many, December is the busiest month of the year, with work deadlines, and family and social obligations. As a result, many of us have a tendency to neglect our basic needs by skipping exercise, eating unhealthy foods, and increasing our consumption of alcohol. As the holiday season kicks into high gear, it’s especially important [...]
We have been talking about ways to improve your health by introducing small changes to your daily routine. It’s really important to be careful about what you eat and to get moving because obesity, and obesity-related problems, are the top barriers to good health; obesity is the leading cause of diabetes and hypertension and is [...]
Last week’s post suggested small adjustments to your daily routine that will help support a healthy lifestyle. Making healthier food choices is a good start, but a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about the food you eat; you also need to incorporate movement and exercise. Let’s look at some easy ways to get you moving more. [...]
We often hear that the path to better health is through diet, exercise and eliminating bad habits. But what we don’t hear is that these changes in behavior can also have a positive impact on the health of our community. Living a healthy lifestyle not only benefits you and your family, but helps your neighbors [...]
November 22, 2017 - Article in Tribune Democrat about The Center's Health Priorities
Population health seeks to create conditions that promote health, prevent adverse events, and improve outcomes. We use data to determine community needs, develop and implement new strategies to address these needs, and measure the outcomes in the community. Population health is a relatively new concept that emerged in the 1990s, and has been studied mostly [...]
The Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown has covered the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health extensively in the recent past. Below is a roundup of the coverage: November 5: Agents of wellness: Center targets healthier communities through education, economics. Key quote: "'For our long-range goal to make our community healthier, so many other things come into play,' center Executive Director [...]
The 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health has been busily working since the official ribbon-cutting was held on March 21, 2017. We're delighted to premiere this new website to keep you better-informed about our mission and activities. In our first months, we have focused on research and information-gathering, with the goal of identifying the key [...]